Letter from James A. Hoskins to Mississippi Governor John J. Pettus; November 5, 1861


Letter from James A. Hoskins to Mississippi Governor John J. Pettus; November 5, 1861


Artillery.; Confederate States of America. Army; Confederate States of America. Army--Ordnance and ordnance stores; Confederate States of America. Army--Pay, allowances, etc.; Mississippi. Governor; Pettus, John Jones, 1813-1867


From the Mississippi Department of Archives and History Governor Pettus Collection. Letter from James A. Hoskins in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, concerning the pay due to soldiers of the Brookhaven Light Artillery by the state of Mississippi.


Hoskins, James A.


Mississippi Department of Archives and History. (electronic version); Mississippi Digital Library. (electronic version)




Funding for this project provided by The Dale Center for Study of War and Society-USM, the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, the Mississippi Digital Library, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the University of Southern Mississippi, and the Watson-Brown Foundation


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Page 1:

Head Quarters
Brook Haven Artillery
Bay St. Louis, Miss
Nove the 5 th 1861
Gov John J. Pettus
Dr Sir

I wish to urge on the proper Department the actual nescesity of paying to the Miss Troops that have been transfered to the Confederate Service,, the Amt due them previus to their transfer, for the following reasons

1st That as there are so many Troops in the Service that have been in Service Confer than we have that will have to be paid off first,, our time will be put off longer,, Or until our turn comes,,

2nd That as our companies have been made up for as long a time as those that went into actual Service in May. And have been to the same expense as if they had been in actual Service,, It is nescescary for them to have some thing to get Shoes & other actual nescesities for protection from the cold,,

Please do what you can to hurry this matter up,, For I assure you that if it were not a Case of actual nescesity I would be the last one to thus Petition You

Respty Your friend
James A Hoskins
Capt Commdg Brook Haven Artillery

Page 2:

J A Hoskins
Nov 5 th 1861
Petition for the Soldiers at Brookhaven to be paid


From the Mississippi Department of Archives and History Governor Pettus Collection. Letter from James A. Hoskins in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, concerning the pay due to soldiers of the Brookhaven Light Artillery by the state of Mississippi.


Hoskins, James A.





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